Welcome back to a new decade. I hope everyone is ok and that your family and friends have not been affected too much by the bushfires.
Over the holidays I watched an interview with Greta Thunberg’s father. He described his daughter as very unhappy and depressed after learning about the future of the earth with regards to climate changes. At that time she stopped attending school she refused to speak and became quite unwell.
She wanted to make a difference and speak out about how she felt – much to the anguish of her parents who didn’t want her to put herself “out there”. Naturally fearing the worse particularly with her regards to her fragile mental health.
What they didn’t bargain for was Greta’s activism gave her back her ‘life’ and ‘purpose’ goals to achieve and a future to fight for. And It is this strong sense of purpose that drives her as the young person we see today.
Her father now describes a very different person to the one above in my opening paragraph. In a twist of irony far from becoming more disturbed and depressed (particularly with the negative attention she has been receiving)
Greta has flourished and has become a “normal” teenager again one who wants to learn attend school and enjoy life.
So what’s the lesson here as we enter a new decade – Jan has become the goal setting resolution month – only to be broken again by the end of Feb!!!
If you’re intent on setting goals please do so with a purpose – ‘Start with a Why’ why are you setting them?
Setting goals that has no meaning or purpose makes you less inclined to want to achieve them.
Therefore my invitation to you is this; don’t set goals unless you have a reason and a purpose that it is tangible and bigger than your everyday.