Have you ever had an idea or a thought of starting your own business, completing a DIY project, converting that shed to a ‘man’ cave or an office. But never get round to doing it? you read the books, you spend some money on an online course, or you google search every night about what other people are doing with their dreams. Whilst you may have been inspired by your search you still remain inactive or you procrastinate does that ring a bell! Successful ‘Ted Talk’ people are there because they probably have had good experience of a coach or being mentored by someone at some point in their lives, to be the people they are on that platform. Not only have they practiced what they preach (we hope) but they have taken action ‘walk the talk’. Your probably thinking what does that mean in reality? Well it means we all need a little help from time to time some of us are better at identifying what that help is and some of us need to work on figuring that out. We may have the ideas or the passion swirling about in our heads or a desire to do something else with our lives. Working with our a professional coach who has your interest at heart and want to see you succeed is a great way to start.
Taking small committed steps to achieving what you want to change is do-able and definitely possible when guided in a ‘gentle’ but firm way – such is the power of professional coaching. You soon start to see tangible evidence of what you can achieve and guess what – the first step towards your desired goals.