“ Audrey has helped me to appreciate myself more and start liking myself when I experienced severe anxiety over my pass relationship with my mother the greatest gift she has given me is to love my mother and forgive her. I never thought I could have kind feelings towards my mum – when I think of her it is always positive. Never with anger, disappointment and anxiety. Thank you” – Client ‘SR’
General anxiety is a normal human emotion we all feel anxious at some point or another in our lives. However when anxiety takes over and you find that you can no longer concentrate on everyday activities then it can become distressing and sometimes lead to depression.
Anxiety can be triggered by anything e.g. being late for an appointment, meeting new people, unhappiness in a relationship, family conflict or challenges at work.
Some physical symptoms of anxiety can look like panic attacks shortness of breathe, discomfort in your stomach which may feel like butterflies and headaches. It’s always best to seek medical advice if your unsure.
Sometimes anxiety can make you feel obsessed about a particular thing that leaves you performing a certain activity over and over again. Sometimes it can feel like an unwanted ‘friend’ that follows you around constantly, undermining your confidence and self-esteem.
The good thing is it doesn’t last and it’s far more common than you might think. Therefore managing general anxiety is normally successful.
Please contact us online or call direct on 02 809 58607 if you wish to discuss any aspects of anxiety that is holding you back and stopping you from living a full life.