World mental health day is upon us and I’m loving this time of year – the longer evenings as Spring gently descends upon us. I hope you’ve all recovered from the long weekend and the change in daylight saving – I have some tips to share below on keeping that glorious long weekend momentum going, so see you there!
Part of my own well being is learning to say no, not in a mean spirited way but to give myself some space, to reset from constant demands made on my time whether withdrawing from social media for a bit or just having some ‘me’ time pottering at home – I love that word ‘pottering’ definitely of another era.
When my kids were small I was one of those parents as we reached the check out – and all the sweets & lollies lay waiting – my kids would automatically go into ‘Oscar’ performance mode – raging and tantrum-ing as I remained steely faced pushing the trolley pass it with a great big ‘Nope’ written across my face.
It dawned on me back then how easy it was to say ‘no’ to small children – because as the adult you felt completely in control (at least most of the time). Fast forward and I’m finding it increasingly hard to say no to them as young adults particularly when “can i borrow the car, money, house! “ is the only language they seem know.
MENTAL HEALTH TIPs to celebrate yourself this week!
So here goes, this is what I call ‘back to body basics’ – you probably know this already but this is a gentle reminder to be consistent with it (if you can) and you’ll be surprised by the result’s.
If saying ‘no’ is part of your wellness vocabulary this week – go for it! in a kind & compassionate way!
1) Sleep sleep glorious sleep – Good quality sleep is essential for repairing and rejuvenating brain & body. Not enough sleep can lead to you feeling anxious, agitated and even depression.
Find more information on Sleep benefits here.
2) Eat well – in my last blog I linked this to helping the brain with the benefits for the mind and body well researched – remember ‘you are what you eat’ if you saw Maggie Beer on Q&A it even helps with staving off dementia.
3) If you can avoid (excessive) alcohol, smoking and drugs – in excess it depletes the body of essential vitamins such as iron and vitamin B12 which can lower your mood.
4) Exercise & Activity – is essential in maintaining strong mental health – you know when you’ve busted out at the gym, or gone for a good power walk regularly, you naturally feel energised and alert afterwards.
5) Connect with others and try to be sociable – surround yourself with good company – people who’ve got your back! is a must.
6) Giving back by doing thing for others – it can be as little as giving up your seat on the bus – helping someone who needs it up the escalators – to full blown volunteering – do you know, the last time I researched this I read Australia has the highest number of volunteers! how good is that!
7) Lastly ASK for HELP if you are stressed, anxious or just not coping.