Jane age 24yr leaves home for work as she normally does following a tight morning regime which helps reduce her anxiety, she works in hospitality. When she arrives there is an announcement that they have been given free tickets to go and see Mamma Mia, they all plan to go as a group that afternoon. Jane immediately calls her mother, the conversation is strained full of tension (she is asking her mother what she should do?) The thought of making a quick decision such as this makes her feel uncomfortable and anxious. Her mother is attempting to help her make a decision, whilst she herself was trying to get on a crowded bus to work. Over the phone Jane says she hates herself and started to cry.
James in his mid 30s married with a young family, he works in the city enjoys his job and is making great progress. However he has a new manager and everything changes over night. This manager’s style is completely different to what he has been used to and this has started to affect his performance. On Sunday nights he experiences tightness and nauseousness in his stomach, he becomes irritated and distracted with his young family. On the way to work James feels physically sick to the point of almost vomiting. His confidence and self esteem has plummeted. But he puts on his mask and shoulders on….
George is in his late 50s, he has been with his company for years, he is well respected and prides himself on his work ethic and reputation. George has mentored hundreds of employees and is highly regarded. However he harbours a ‘secret’, he hates to make mistakes, has a thing for numbers and checks and re-checks his work several times before submitting it. If he doesn’t do this he becomes unsettled and anxious. Most recently George has started to make mistakes. He was called into the ‘office’ to have a discussion about it. For him this was the ultimate shame and blemish against his character.
These stories are real the outcomes can be read in the blog ‘Counselling support can make a difference’
(Identities have been protected and permission have been sought)
Audrey Morrison-Greet – Partnership for Growth