In my last news I talked about protecting your time and space and not feeling guilty that you’re letting someone down if you said no once in a while. So this month it’s about what you say YES to. Sunday evening I had the opportunity to see Zadie Smith (a well known writer) speak at the Opera House – one of the things that resonated – was when she talked about her ‘time’ that even reading a book leisurely was shrinking due to the constant demands on our attention which has become a commodity.
So choosing yes to what matters to you is just as important as saying no for example;
1. Saying YES to work that is fulfilling (if you are fortunate enough to have that opportunity) if not can you identify it?
2. Saying YES to changing your lifestyle for the better, whether it’s going to bed early, starting that exercise regime or realising that you really enjoyed that conversation with a friend or family member and you want more of it.
3. Saying YES to listening to more music, dancing like you mean it.
4. Saying YES to something that you believe in or indeed to reading that a book!
So essentially saying YES in a way that serves you and your community.
The silly season is upon us If you feel a tendency to say YES to everything, go for it – if it makes you happy.
No guilt either way if it’s not who you are and you’ve chosen not to partake. Exercise your choices with care and confidence because you do have that choice. (Remember, many don’t)
So for the rest of November make it a “what am I saying YES to month” that is definitely going to set you up in a good way heading towards the end of the year.
And lastly, remember what you are saying YES to means you are also saying NO to something else and that’s ok too.